Communications From CEO Ronald Chlabowy

September 26, 2023 - 

As we continue to work towards perfecting our business model and reducing employee turnover, and as the company continues to seek employees, we've voted to end the Employee Point System altogether, but employees will have another attendance requirement and will now receive Advanced Protected Paid Time Off(A-PPTO); more on this will be provided to associates be store managers. Now that the point system is gone, employees will now face termination after calling off more than 10 times a month, but the point system will no longer be used to gauge employee attendance. 

NOTE TO EMPLOYEES: Please check with your manager about what your new attendance policy will require from you.

July 12, 2023 - A Message Regarding The Opening Of Product Mart Store 701

Dear Customers, Investors And Company Associates,

As we continue construction on Store 701 in Peach Tree City, we also are beginning planning for the opening of the store which is scheduled to take place in September 2023. The company and myself are looking to extend the 2022-2025 Store Construction Plan which is seeking to open at least 1200 stores before 2035. We are beginning to process to start hiring permanent associates for Product Mart Store 701.