"Product Mart Lifting Mask Mandates For Customers

Customers have had to wear face masks or some sort of face covering since the pandemic hit within Jesstopia, and has remained particularly at our stores, service centers and other brands. As of August 15, 2021, customers will no longer be required to wear them, while associates will be required to wear them while working.

The mask mandate will not be lifted for associates until proper guidance can be given through the State Health Departments in states that Product Mart operates within. To ensure COVID-19 is actually gone within our nation, President McCallum has announced plans to establish land, sea and air import and export screening centers. He has also spoke with some of the worlds largest health agencies to determine a clear and strong course of action against completely eliminating COVID-19.

Our aim is to start the process of requiring less and less of mask wearing within our stores, by the end of September where and if possible. Product Mart has been and will continue to be the driving forces to stop mask wearing. We hope to have no masks at all by the start of the month of October 2021.

Effective August 15, 2021, Customers will not be require to wear them, but are highly encouraged to continue to wear them, to help quickly end the pandemic.