Alden County Stores Are Closed Until Further Notice

Statement From Product Mart Chief Executive Officer Ronald Chlabowy

February 3, 2024 

The Product Mart company has determined, and in part in order to follow Executive Order Executive Order 0200122 and 0200123, from Governor Of Mesa, Joshua Adamson, to close stores in Alden County, and will begin the phase of closing stores in Ashburn and Diester County, Mesa, to support the Governor's evacuation orders. As Mesa's flood season kicks off, safety of Mesians and our customers and associates is Product Mart's number one priority, so we are going to support Governor Adamson in his efforts, and are closing these stores so that our customers and associates are able to get themselves and their families to safety.

We are committed to supporting those forced from their homes by the flooding, and will provide centers across the State to allow those who fled, to get basic supplies such as hygiene products, clothing, blankets, non-perishable foods and more. Click Here To View Locations.

Please, to all Mesians affected by this storm and flooding season, follow instructions from State, County, and Local officials. It is not a matter of being defiant, it is a matter of life or death and we need to work together to work towards weathering this storm and these floods.

Product Mart is committed to providing update to date storm data and we have set up our official storm tracking page, here. Please let us know what Product Mart can do for you and your family during these storms.

Stay Safe, Stay Prepared,

Ronald Chlabowy,

Chief Executive Officer