CEO John Mallone Stepping Down October 1, 2021

August 21, 2021 - Dear Product Mart Employees and Shareholders,

On August 18, 2021, I announced that I would be resigning as Product Mart's Chief Executive on October 1, 2021. While my initial plan was to complete my last day on January 1, 2022, but current health circumstances of AZZI's interim Chief Executive, I was forced to shorten my time at Product Mart.

Ronald Chlabowy will be ready to take over as Product Mart's CEO, and I have the utmost confidence in his ability to run this company, and believe that the transition will be seamless and will allow the company to effectively run. Stockholders and Shareholders will be given information and other stock options when I hand in my resignation.

During this period in time, I am finishing up some important policies which will be released sometime next month. We will be working with Ronald Chlabowy to ensure all pertinent information, policies and ideas are passed down to him so he can continue to give customers the 'Prices They Love, Prices They Deserve'

If any questions, comments or concerns do need a response, we ask that you email myself at or the Executive Office at

I will assume my new role as AZZI's Chief Executive Officer on October 1, 2021, where I will work to create more jobs, create an easier shopping experience for our customers, and provide for our associates and employees.

Thank You Very Much


John Mallone

Chief Executive Officer,

Product Mart Stores Inc.